Sorry, but until someone can verify that this will not ground a vB board with over 60,000 members there is no way I'm going to try it. Even if it only took 10 minutes for 4,000 members that works out to at least 2.5 hours for my board.
I already have a hack installed that just does the verification during registration. What you have here is just something that finds old registrations with false email addresses. You might as well just run your 'find registrations awaiting email confirmation' on anything over a week old for example and then delete those. There is also a script that automatically deletes unverified email addresses which are over 10 days old after sending reminders on day 3, 5, and 8 to verify.
Nope, not going to install this one because anything that is going to make the server work hard for a few hours is not on. No doubt good for much smaller membership boards.
Hope you take the above as useful criticism as some hacks really do not take into account the requrements of boards with larger membership levels.