Intex - I'm not quite sure if the "Force Update" link is working properly with the weather part of this hack or not. I'll be rewriting it so that it will function much better, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get around to it. As for putting flash on your homepage, you would just put the HTML code in your index template just as you would a normal page.
silverlex - The file is generally placed in your root folder and serves as you main index page. If you want the page somewhere else (like in your forums directory) you would have to rename the file.
QCumber - Glad you got everything worked out and thanks for the compliment.
certify - If you open your myvbindex.php file and look for:
PHP Code:
$forums=$DB_site->query('SELECT forumid,parentid,displayorder FROM forum WHERE displayorder<>0 ORDER BY parentid,displayorder');
Change that to something like:
PHP Code:
$forums=$DB_site->query('SELECT forumid,parentid,displayorder FROM forum WHERE forumid != XX AND forumid != YY AND displayorder<>0 ORDER BY parentid,displayorder');
Then change XX and YY in that code to the forums you wish to exclude.