One thing to try is to use the correct address...according to your error you are running the system in: D:\www\devforum.kmc.hhgroup.com\ but have your chdir set to: D:\www\vbulletin, try making the vbulletin the right directory for your forums, or, I may be wrong in this, but simply try removing the "d:" from the chdir...I've not yet run PHP under IIS so I may be wrong, I'll defer this to Tigga.
Ergh - I think I'm starting to lose it from trying to do too many things at once.
I've got the problem fixed. It turned out to be the trailing slash. I was experimenting with renaming the directory when I discovered the problem. Apologies for not posting my followup sooner. The correct path was:
The path that produced the error was:
Thx very much for the help all the same and my apologies for the messed up reply I posted this morning. I really shouldn't touch a computer until I've had my first pot of coffee of the day.
Tigga, if you're reading this, my compliments to you on the hack. It's very easy to modify and it hardly places any strain on my server.