Running vBulletin (2.3.0)
I have install the hack Scott MacVicar's Attachments as files.
[vB v2.2.3] Attachments as files
(post #1)
I have installed Private Attachments! (Attachments in Private Messages)
Let me say the Attachments as files has been working with no issues for a few months.
After installing Private Attachments, it appears that every thing works, (no errors) except the attacment never appears on the pm to the user.
Now there is a earler post about This modification will allow you to have private attachment working with file attachment hack by PNP.
It looks to me that PA has been updated and the added notes in that post
(post #33) are included in the current hack.
I Complete restore of test site to before install and re-installed the hack again............with the same results.
Everything looks great............ allows me attach the file to the PM but when the PM is received there is no attachment. ( No error messages).
What do I need to do? Help please......... I really need this to work on our system.
Thanks ahead of time for your help.
Guess this Thred is DEAD post this 06-23-03 02:52 AM and not a post....................hmmmmmmmmm