Date (Man + Woman) Hack
What I was thinking on was making quite a large number of big vB2 & vb3 addons, one of witch I was working the last time is a Dating hack. The future list at the moment:
Thumbnail photos
Set maximum width and height on an image upload
Set maximum file size on an image upload
Set a maximum number of profiles a user who is not logged into the site (guest) can browse before they are required to register for an account
Instant messaging with emoticons
Photo gallery within the profile
Support for up to 20 images in a profile, with the ability to set a maximum number of photos from the admin area
Private images with passwords
Toggle email verification on/off from the admin area
Toggle completing the registration process in one step on/off
Video clip uploads
Set maximum file size on video clip uploads
Show users online on a separate page, with the ability to instant message users who are online
Block members from mailing/instant messaging you
Modify the gender list from the admin area
Censor bad words from showing up in the profile, front page, and search results
Strip HTML tags from profile descriptions
Wrap words for cleaner looking descriptions that span a long width
What I could really appreciate is a vB hardcoder, who could help integrating it with PhotoPost and vB user DB (it was seperate untill now, for safevty reasons). So what I have - is a really powerfull (with seperate from vB design) tool. If you want to advertise your board and get money - it's a good way to do it.
Marco, PM or E-mail me. :classic: