S. molinari - thx. for the hack. I was looking for something like this a little while back and couldn't find it

I have a few notes which may help others:
- In your instructions you stated:
************************************************** ****************************/
/* insert this between lines 248 and 249 into index.php in /admin directory */
/************************************************** ***************************
<br><a href="adminpopupmsg.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=start"> Send a message </a>
Like a lot of other people, I've hacked around with my index.php and therefore specifying line numbers isn't probably the best way to indicate where to add code. As I'm no expert I just looked at the control panel and placed it just after the line:
makenavoption("vBulletin Options","options.php?t=0","<br>");
I also re-wrote the code similar to the other makenavoption line, thus:
makenavoption("Send a Popup Message","adminpopupmsg.php?t=0","<br><br>");
That gave me the control panel item I need and worked fine
- Your installation script doesn't seem to show the user options (via UserCP or Registration) for turning popup messages of this type on / off. However the AdminCP does does show the option to turn it on / off for admin / mods.
- Perhaps include a line to say remove the original install file 'popupmsginstall.php' from the admin directory after installation is complete.
Might help a few other newbies like me

. Other than that, the popup works great. Thx

[high]* Intex clicks install.[/high]