Today at 01:56 PM Rose said this in Post #6
It's a pretty neat idea and has been useful in promoting the forums. With nifty access permissions, a few modifications to the private message system, addition of maybe a store so the housemates can "buy" things with the prize "money" they earn for tasks, throw in some "audience feedback" tidbits to get the energy in the house going - and it's a blast.
Also a slight modification to the polling system to vote on whom you want evicted.
The cp settings could also control how long you wanted each BB week to last for. If you wanted a shorter version of the experience, have it running 3/4 days per week so day one is housemates nominating who they want to be evicted and the public being able to vote, day two more public voting, the task and reward, day three is more public voting, day four more public voting, votes counted and posted who is leaving and housemate evictee night. Or obviously you can set it for the full experience of 7 days per week and set things up how you want to do it.