Ok, I must have missed something. I have attempted to follow the path of redemption, and get my attachments working under my VB3.0 beta test. I am one of the hundreds that enjoy the
attachments as files hack.
- Took a good backup from 2.3.0 and restored it to my test server.
- Added the filedata column back to the attachment table via phpmyadmin;
ALTER TABLE attachment ADD filedata mediumtext NOT NULL
- Ran an optimize on the attachment table (if I didn't, MySql kept getting 122 table handler errors at insert after a number of inserts)
- Ensured that the current value for the VB setting field 'fileattach' was correct, and pointed to said directory where all the attachements were
- Executed the attachment_upgrade.php from /vb22/admin directory (no output does it make to the panel, just a blank screen after it runs for about 3 minutes and then says "done" in the lower left )
- Verified that 'filedata' column in the attachment table was populated with data via phpmyadmin
- Ran the VB3 conversion (upgrade.php) on the DB, and yes, it worked thru the attachments, and then updated another table related to attachements
What I am seeing in my VB3.0 beta is broken links for the attachments. It "thinks" it got them, but in reality the file sizes are zero for the attachements (when you disable viewing of attachements, it gives a handy link with file size instead)
I really, really like what I have seen so far of VB3.0, but I gota beat this 1000 pound gorrilla where the
attachments as files hacks is concerned.
Any ideas? If any one wants a look, let me know, as I have it locked down to stay in compliance with the "no public" rule