A few things I'd like to see added to this, or to the instructions anyway.
1) A few small details on how to make the archive look similar to your forums. I see many have done this. None have spoken up to help others. ie: header and footer
(I'm still tweaking mine so I can't comment on the best way to do this)
2) your on your archive main page ok, you click a forum. I want to center the "Pages: XXXXX" link. I can center Pages:1 ok, but 2345678 whatever, go back to the left side. I think across the top center for page links would be better.
3) Your on a page of threads, or thread itself, it would be great to have a few more links up top, like, "Archive Home" or whatever, like the navbar on the actual forums.
I understand this is for google, but as someone else posted, some users are going to like using this if they are on dialup or just want to surf thru a bit faster.
Thanks for this, I think it's great.

It just needs a few more tweaks to be perfect IMHO.
Great job.
Here's link to add if you want.
(and for google to drop by our Joint after they hit this thread next dance LOL)