midis -> to STOP a midi while playing, just click the stop button on your browser when the page is finished loading.
to have it NOT loop, change the html code from loop="-1" to like 3 or 2 or 1, see?
and yes midis are small...
as for a monster arena....maybe

i could *probably* od something which feeds monster data through the battlefight.php hing, and i dont think ill need pics, lmao, just some game sprites ^_^ lol....
pp? well, i had to add some stuff into the healing center which wasnt queried for automatically, and basically copy the magic part and slap it onto the bottom for pp, lol, and rename everything :-p and add something to the template, but pp potions O.o i had to rewrite a couple database things like the stuff in the 'extra' col (bitsys would know what im talking about) and...well, i had to update it _everywhere_ and i had trouble tracking the stupid thing o.o as for summon damage, well lets just say summons do full damage when you just run out of pp ^_^ lol
oh, and if you just want one midi to play, screw the code in battlefight.php, and place the direct url where '$chosenmidi' is in the html