Version 1.0.1 released! [March 25th, 18:40]
~ Removed some code that deals with magic_quotes_gpc turned on, because for some reason it messed stuff for people with magic_quotes_gpc off.
Alright, and here's vbHackMaker (*cough* original ), the script that creates the data files used by vbHacker.
This script is pretty straightforward and easy, but just to show you what it's all about I took some screen shots of it.
New or old - The first step of the script where you can either start a new hack, or edit an existing hack. Make sure you select 'No' if you are editing a hack.
General information - You need to enter some general info about your hack, and also specify exactly how many changes the hack contains (like vbHacker, there are four categories: file hacks, new templates, template edits and queries).
Actual hack - You simply input the changes for this hack, for each of these four categories.
Like you see I tried to make things easy with a drop down menu for the folder, and another drop down menu for "what to do" (replace, add after or add before).
Data file - The end of the script that gives you the source for the file. Just cut & paste and name the file yourhack.hack.php.
Attached is the file, vbhackmaker.php version 1.0.1.
Note: You *must* have magic_quotes_gpc turned off if you want this script to work. I hope to resolve this issue soon. Sorry!
Attachment: vbhackmaker.php
This has been downloaded 517 time(s).
Im sorry, i guess i dont understand this cuz your screenshot links just take me to the homepage! So like what do i do to run vbhacker? Like upload something or give it some info about the hack i want to install? i dont get xxx.hack.php either, im sorry