Today at 12:55 PM Tigga said this in Post #1391
Thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty much finished with the vB3 version of this hack. I still have a couple of things to do, but it is finished for the most part.
I don't want to sound rude or mean or anything, it's not meant this way at all. I am just wondering when the version for vB3 will be out, and since VB3 hacks will not be posted yet, will you upload it somewhere else until they are allowed?
I am wondering because my site is a business site, and the slowest time of the year is during the summer, so I want to be able to do this all in the upcoming few weeks, or ASAP to have the site down for as little time as possible (some people will still be checking it out for next year's registration, etc.)
Just curious.