Yuber - I'll try to get to that as soon as I can. With the release of vB3 though I'm going to be very busy trying to get everything on my site to work with it.
WitchyT - Did you change the url of each of your smilies to the full url (ex
/forum/images/smilies) as instructed in the readme file?
Goat Boy - The code for the online users bit is pretty much the same as the code in your forum/index.php, so they should behave in the same way. What is the usergroup id of your moderators group?
csidlernet - Thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty much finished with the vB3 version of this hack. I still have a couple of things to do, but it is finished for the most part.
Intex - No problem. I should be able to start working on the new method to pull the weather info for the vB3 version of this hack soon, so I should be able to port it over for a final release of the vB2 version.
Exero - That wouldn't be anything to do with this script. It looks like it's having a problem trying to select a random user on your forum's homepage.
DigitalDesktops - Try removing the final trailing slash from the path to your forums.