Today at 12:34 AM Talisman said this in Post #7
Xube, what you're looking for is the same thing, just different text: "Automatically login when you return to the site? (uses cookies)"

No guys, from what I can tell, you are referring to an individual user changing his preferences from within his own
control panel so that when he logs onto a board it sets permanent cookies. What I'm trying to add is a lil' check box on the main page of a board. The check box appears next to the USERNAME & PASSWORD log in boxes... by checking this check box ...and then entering your password when you are on the board's welcome page it sets your login cookies to the type so that it automatically re-logs you on when you revisit the board... (ie: it allows users to make this change without ever having to go to their individual user control panel)
Look here:
vBulletin.com main board page
.... at the top of that page of vB 3.0.0. (
I guess the only way you will be able to see it is if you haven't already set your prefs to automatically log you on when you go over and visit vBulletin.com) right under the Username/Password login boxes is a 3rd small box that you can check if you want your logon to be automatic on visits.
:banana: Is this a doable?