d00d even easier run these querys
PHP Code:
INSERT INTO settinggroup VALUES (50, 'Members HighLight Colors', 50);
INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL, 50, 'Administrator Glow Color', 'admincolor', '#xxxxxx', 'Choose Which Color You Want The Administrators To Highlight In', '', 1);
INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL, 50, 'Super Moderator Glow Color', 'supmodcolor', '#xxxxxx', 'Choose Which Color You Want The Super Moderators To Highlight In', '', 2);
INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL, 50, 'Moderator Glow Color', 'modcolor', '#xxxxxx', 'Choose Which Color You Want The Moderators To Highlight In', '', 3);
INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL, 50, 'Normal Member Glow Color', 'memcolor', '#xxxxxx', 'Choose Which Color You Want The Normal Member To Highlight In', '', 4);
then edit the index.php file where the hack is installed and then find <font color=" xxxxx " and replace with these values
so here example
For Admins put $admincolor
For Super Mods put $supmodcolor
For Mods put $modcolor
For Normal Members put $memcolor
and then go into the admin options and set the colors

all done
if you have more groups just insert a new option