You don't understand - It is not the bandwidth that will be the problem, it is the server...
From what I understand; Imagine trying to run 5 intensive programs on your home computer at once...Your computer will groan (if it hasn't got alot of memory), and it will take about 30 seconds for it to settle down...
Now imagine if you opened 5 intensive programs on your home computer every second...
Now imagine if you opened 50 intensive programs on your home computer every second...
From what I understand, it can be something like this... I am probably wrong, or at least deviating from the actual thinking behind this, but your computer couldn't cope with 50 intensive programs being opened every second...
It would collapse, and you would be frustrated...
Now imagine a server, sending out hundreds of emails per second, most likely 1000 or more in 60 seconds - That is quite alot of stress on the server...