He means, since signatures change, what the members actually voted for might not be the current signature that is showing in the list ...
For example, I put a quote from Shakespeare in my signature... members like it, and they vote for it... it becomes top ranked in two days ... on the third day, I decide change my signature into something that quotes, say, Beavis and Butthead ... the signature changed, but the tally of votes remain the same ... so the members who voted will then say "hey, that signature sucks, that's not what we voted for!" ... and those who haven't voted yet will wonder why a sucky signature got so much votes, hehe
Trivial really, but it might happen
Great hack idea though ... cheers
Today at 10:46 AM Velocd said this in Post #10
Also, is there a way to browse via username?
I'm curious about this myself...