well upto now i have sorted it so the query is somethign like this
PHP Code:
SELECT forumid,title,allowposting
FROM forum
WHERE forumid='$parforumid'
AND title='$parforumtitle'
$parforumid = (user selected forumid in the admin options)
$parforumtitle = (user selected forum title in the admin options)
i have also sorted the store intergration out here it is
First run this query
PHP Code:
INSERT INTO `store` (`id`,`action`,`title`,`costs`,`sold`,`imgurl`,`description`,`ok`,`quantity`) VALUES (NULL,'userforum','Buy a Create your own forum pass.','15000','0','images/buyforum.gif','With this action you can buy a create your own forum pass','Y','0');
then in
store.php find:
and above add the following
PHP Code:
// ###################### User Buy & Create Own Forum #######################
if ($action=="userforum") {
$stores = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM store WHERE action='userforum'");
$storeid = $stores[id];
$cost = $stores[costs];
$need = $points - $cost;
$users = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT userforum FROM user WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$forums = $users[userforum];
$forumsallow = $users[userforum]+1;
if ($forums==1) {
} else {
if ($forumsallow==1) {
} else {
if ($cost>$points) {
// ###################### Start User Buy & Create Own Forum #######################
if ($action=="buyuserforum") {
if ($cost>$points) {
} else {
$forumsbuy=$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=storep-$cost WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$changestoresold=$DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET sold=sold+1 WHERE id=$storeid");
$changeuserforums=$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET userforum=userforum+1 WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$moneycheck = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$money = $moneycheck[storep];
then add the following templates in the txt file
NOTE: You will have to have the new version of this hack installed to get the full benifits of this store intergration.