Well, I don't know. I guess this means it's intentional.... and there's nothing wrong with my hack or my database.
Or..... maybe it just means your site is messed up along with mine. :cross-eyed:
But you know, if someone searches for something -- and that entry drops off the list (because 15 other searches have appeared since that one) ..... then that keyword will never appear on the list again if we don't get a new post that contains it. And no one sees what was searched for weeks ago after it's slid down this list...... even if our members keep searching for the same thing.
Wouldn't that forever kill off something that's found in a closed thread? Not very accurate, really.
So the hack really doesn't show us the last 10 (or 15) searches...... it just shows the last searches that our system hasn't already bothered with before.
Check out the "Last 10 Searches" listing here at vb.org. It doesn't do this like ours does. I had tested that once before, when I wondered about mine.
Oh, and I see someone else has just been over there doing the same thing. (Was that you?) Look at this shot ...... the same search does repeat, even when no new posts have been made.