I haven't tested this, but I'm pretty sure it should work... In your myvbindex.php file look for:
// Show Avatar
Above that Add:
PHP Code:
// Country Hack
if (!$bbuserinfo['country']) {
$flag = "";
} else {
$Countryalt = str_replace("%20"," ",$Country);
$flag = "<img src=\"images/flags/$Country.gif\" alt=\"$Countryalt\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\">";
// Country Hack End
Then you would just use $flag whereever you would like their flag to appear.
For the latest threads part, if you look in your index_threadbit template you will see this code in the link to the thread:
title="Last post at $lastposttime by $thread[lastposter]"
That's what shows the last post time and last poster, so you would just move that to whereever you would like it to display.