12-04-02 at 01:29 AM Tigga said this in Post #196
alkatraz - No, that wouldn't be hard at all. At the very bottom of the myvbindex.php file look inbetween the following lines:
PHP Code:
if ($showcustom2) {
eval("\$custom2 = \"".gettemplate('index_custom2')."\";");
PHP Code:
In that space you can add code for it to call more custom templates. You would just add something like the following:
PHP Code:
eval("\$custom3 = \"".gettemplate('index_custom3')."\";");
The variable $custom3 there can be called whatever you would like and would be what you would use in the index template to call that template. Then the part index_custom3 should be renamed to whatever you are calling your new template. Also, if you would like to be able to use the $getbgrow function in that template to alternate between your firstaltcolor & secondaltcolor, you should add the following above that code as it is with the others.
I followed the steps listed above and they worked great on my index page. But, when I tried calling the $custom3 and $custom4 templates on the usercp pages and other forum pages, for whatever reason, the templates did not show up. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance - bobII