There's a nasty little bug in this hack. Essentially, the title will always be overwritten when replied to by a moderator but it will not strip special html characters. If you've installed this hack, follow the following steps to fix it. In newreply.php, find:
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET title='" . addslashes ($newthreadtitle) . "' WHERE threadid='$threadid'");
Replace it with:
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET title='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($newthreadtitle))."' WHERE threadid='$threadid'");
Find and REMOVE the following line:
PHP Code:
$newthreadtitle = htmlspecialchars ($newthreadtitle);
You will now need to run a series of MySQL queries to fix threads affected by this bug:
UPDATE `thread` SET title = REPLACE(title,"\"","&quot\;") WHERE title LIKE "%\"%";
UPDATE `thread` SET title = REPLACE(title,">","&gt\;") WHERE title LIKE "%>%";
UPDATE `thread` SET title = REPLACE(title,"<","&lt\;") WHERE title LIKE "%<%";
UPDATE `thread` SET title = REPLACE(title,"&","&amp\;") WHERE title NOT REGEXP "&(quot|amp|lt|gt)" AND title LIKE "%&%";
As usual, backup everything before doing the above.
Best wishes,
Edit: Due to a bug on, I had to alter the queries and add an additional & to get them to display properly. They should appear correctly now.