Anyone running 2.3.0 who is just now installing this for the first time, let me
try and save you some time.
D/L the new .js from the first post in the thread and follow all the instructions in that post
except for vbcode_popup_smiliesbits.
Test the functionality on your board (in
both enhanced and normal mode). Normal is likely working, enhanced may not be. If that's the case, go to page 5 of this thread, and look for Mutt's post that includes an attachment. Download, and follow his instructions that involves making two pastes into the .js file.
Go back and test your functionality in enhanced, it should now be working. Thanks Mutt, you rule.
Now create a post, and click on "Get More" Smilies. Click on one to add it. Doesn't work, right?
The vbcode_popup_smiliesbits edit that you didn't do must have been for an old version. Go in there now, and simply turn this;
PHP Code:
"><a href="#" onclick="smilie('$smilie[text]');
into this;
PHP Code:
"><a href="#" onclick="opener.smilie('$smilie[text]');
Note that you're only adding 'opener.' -- that's it. Go back to your board and test everything, but you should be done. I was running an otherwise stock 2.3.0 clean install, and all of this did the trick.
I'm beyond newbie and clueless with all of this stuff, but I was able to get it all working properly. So everyone else should be encouraged by that.
Thanks SO much for this modification, and all the input from people in this thread to help get it going. Hoping that this little update/consolidation of the process can be a help to someone who was as clueless as I going in. If not, everything you need is in this thread somewhere.