Well, the gods know I am not really qualified to help anyone here, but I'll try.
Poison Fly - I don't really know what you are asking. I made a post in my 'site news' forum and it shows up, with the icon, subject and body of the post on the index.php in my main/root directory. All I did was set options to 'yes' and save them in vbulletin options.
Mirri - Go to vbulletin Options, front page and make a change, then save. Verify your articles forum ID matches the one you have set in vbulletin options and then run the vbhlinstall.php and reindex your articles.
dvd4arab - I suspect if you want a style like vbportal or vbhome, you'll have to make changes to templates or php files.
GXON - go to vbulletin options and front page, make a change and then save your changes. That fixed the problem for me.
Future - It is forum/admin -- that is apparently reversed. upload the index.php, global.php and backend.php into your main/root directory, not under the forum directory. You can actually install those 3 files under a subdirectory though, but just not in a directory where you already have an index.php or it won't work right.
Well, don't hold me on it, I tried. Hopefully it helped.