Yesterday at 10:53 PM FutureXec said this in Post #2962
Hi, I asked this question over at Teck's forums, haven't heard back yet...so I'm hoping a few users here may know the answer :
Shouldn't that be /forum/admin ?
Isn't the "forum" directory the root directory for the forum? Is that saying with the index.php, backend.php and global.php I should put those in a directory outside of the directory my forum is in? If not then what is the "forum" directory? There is no forum directory inside the root of where vB is installed...
And it says to upload printarticle.php and newthread.php but in the download there is no newthread.php in the forum directory, only printarticle.php.
Could I get some clarification here? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks
Ok, I understand this now...
It installs a new portal index at
www.yourdomain.com not at
That's where all of my confusion was...
So you HAVE to install the vB portal at the root of the forum directory?
You can't install in the same directory?
The reason why I thought this was because I came from InvisionBoard and the invision portal can be installed in the same directory, for instance at