Hmm... try creating it in your /admin/setting.php file. Run it in your browser and do the following steps:
Forum Display Options > click [add setting]
Title: Help Forum
Variable Name: HELPforum
Value 16
Description: The forumid of the forum that you want the Forum Help Option to avialable in. (to make available for multiple forums simply separate each forumid with a comma!)
Code to generate option:
Display Order: 15
Forum Display Options > click [add setting]
Title: User Question Answered
Variable Name: HELPdone
Value: [Answered]
Description: The name of the prefix for thread where the user has been helped! (You may use HTML.)
Code to generate option:
Display Order: 16
Forum Display Options > click [add setting]
Title: User Question Unanswered
Variable Name: HELPundone
Value: [Un-Answered]
Description: The name of the prefix for the thread where the user is awaiting help! (You may use HTML.)
Code to generate option:
Display Order: 17
Forum Display Options > click [add setting]
Title: Help Thread Status
Variable Name: HELPopen
Value: 0
Description: Close that particular thread once help is provided?
Code to generate option: yesno
Display Order: 18
That should do it for you. They'll be in the vBulletin Options page.