Basicly here are what the features are going to be once I get finished... beta release date is tba(esitmated mid-end of august if I start working on it a lot soon)
- Gallery for User Uploaded items
- User Control with a User CP
- Profile Page
- Search Engine
- Admin Control Panel(Where all little tweaks will be and hopefully a template system if i can figure out how to make one of those)
- A User Comment System
- And a upload System for users to post new items
- vBulletin Intergration as an option
This is a short list of things I plan on implementing.... All I need is a code name for this project and I'll be set to go to work full time on it since school is very close to be let out.
And could a mod move this some where more appropriate. I don't think the lounge is right for this.
And any suggestions on features to try to work into it will be gladely taken in to consideration