What other reason is there? Your site has the annoying popup
I suggest that you look for the new rules concerning commercial hacks.
I don't care to attend a party or dance for it
The vb licence (as you know) permitts one instance. I have a party informational website as that is my primary intrest, as I have improvised by adding hidden hackers forums on my site. Now as it is a party organising website, why would you not expect a bright looking site.
and there are no obvious links to help us hackers
You obviously found it! or you wouldnt know that i am requesting licence numbeers.
Anyone know of an available hack that is similar without having to dance for it?
EDIT: NM, found one. Thanks
You don't make a good lier! There is no other hack like VB Trader available, nothing even comes close!
Please take your insulting comments and jealously elsewhere!