At 10:20 am this morning, we had a component failure in the UPS at our Site B co-location facility in Parsippany, NJ. We had no warning of this failure, and we are currently investigating the cause. This failure triggered the fire alarms and the fire suppression system, and caused the UPS unit to drop all power to Site B. In addition, because this failure caused the fire alarms to be set off, the entire building had to be evacuated while the fire department investigated. NAC personnel worked with the fire department to ensure the building environment was safe to re-enter.
Some of the core switching equipment in Parsippany was affected by this UPS failure and power outage and had to be moved to a backup power system. At approximately 12:00pm the fire department allowed all personnel to re-enter the building.
The power failure did not affect any customers located at our Newark, NJ site or any services in any other states.
We are currently assessing any on-going issues, but most services have been restored. We will post an additional update as more information becomes available.
If you have any questions please feel free to call us.
phone number: 1-800-NET-ME-36 / 973-590-5100.
i guess you could explain you are hosted by a company who is hosted on nac, and you want to know when the issue will be resolved.