ivanmcp - Wow, thank you for the nice review there.

There is a way to turn this hack into more of a "portal" script, so that you would be able to have more of your pages powered by vBulletin. In fact, if you take a look at my website you'll see that EVERY page there is completely integrated with and powered by vBulletin. I've thought of what should be a pretty easy way to allow people to create a portal system and be able to create a new page simply by creating a new template and linking to a specific url. I think I'll go ahead and try to make this sometime this week if I get the time. I'm not sure if I'll just release it as an add-on for myvbindex, or a seperate hack... Either way if you check back here next week hopefully I'll have it done.
Cloudrunner - Glad everything's working ok for you.
Harley D - If you'll look in your
error_nopermission_loggedout template, that's where you'll need to make some changes. You should be able to simple add $bburl in front of the url in the form tag there, and in the 2 links there.