Ok...I made some changes...
Multiple clans no problems but members can only belong to one clan! The reason is it would take alot more coding to support a member belonging to more than one clan. Also there will be a place to select a Clan Leader per clan who will also receive the emails from the "Challenge Us" and "Join Us" forms.
vWar has a news feature built in and this will be supported so that a News event will post to a forum and a War event will also be posted to it's own forum as well as the vBulletin calendar, both forums will be set in the vBulletin Options under the vWar Settings section.
The integration of the vBulletin Calendar is almost complete and this should be ready for tomorrow for public beta testing!
Note: There is no upgrade script for this soon to be released beta as there were too many code changes and template changes to keep track of. Also there will be NO upgrade script from the stand alone version! Sorry for any inconvenience!