Intex - About the only way you could really fix that would be to go back to using the index_header template for your homepage instead.
Cloudrunner - A few people have reported problems like that... The last person that reported that problem allowed me to log into their site to test some things out, and the only thing I can figure out is your host has a problem with executing PHP files that are that large. On their site, I tried taking out the part which inserts the cities, countries, and etc into the database (the bulk of the code) and was then able to load up the file without a probelm. The best thing I can suggest for you would be to download JJR512's original hack
here. In there he has 7 or so files with the queries you can run through phpMyAdmin to add all the cities and such. After you do that, download the file I have attached here and go to it in your browser (it's the same as the regular weather install file, but without the queries for the cities and etc).
jarvis - Check your PMs.