So, I'm curious as to why this is a strange category?
It happens that while I am not wiccan, I am pagan, I do follow close to the same tenants of that religion. Now, I'm not going to try to start a flame war, but I am greatly offended by this post. You can find christian and bhuddist religious articles on there as well, why are they not considered "Crazy"? Simply because they are considered to be "normal" religions??
Filburt, as a respected member of the community and one of it's moderators, I am greatly disappointed that you would start this thread. I point you to the forum rules (you should know them by heart as a Moderator.):
4) It does not flame, insult, belittle or put down any person.
Now don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that is fine by me. That is their right, and I spent seven years of my life defending that right for everyone in the US Army, so I stand by it. But sometimes it is better to keep quite about one's opinions.
One never knows who is listening.
Thanks for the rant though. If you wish to continue this thread, that is your perogative, but understand that I will not sit quietly without letting you all know the "other" side of the coin.
)O( Cloudrunner )O(