Today at 09:52 AM LangTuDaTinh said this in Post #1657
first, where did u get the code for auto update stats for newreply and newthread?
in the new version of this hack, i don't think he use that anymore....
in itemshop > Edit Options >"point field" > change that field id to ur point field id which u can get in Modify from User Profile Fields
do the same for Edit Options from "battle"
but since u are using the old code or something,
to fix this, u need to get the field id from User Profile Fields >Modify,
there are "Points, and "RPG name" , change ALL field6 to fieldxxxxxx (where xxxxxxx is ur RPG name field id) and do the same for ALL field5
which is for "Points"
i downloaded whatever was attatchedto the first post -- where can i get teh newer version/upgrade script for the newest version?
also, the battles are not working