I'm trying to do a quick fix of the server time issue.
My server is running 5 hours behind actual UK time, so I was wondering if it was easy enough to add a bit of code that simply added 5 hours to the times?
Looking at the code, I see that proarcade.php seems to add a "pre-score" data entry consisting of various things including time().
PHP Code:
// insert the pre-game score entry into the table
$score_insert = $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO arcadescores
VALUES (null, '$scoregroup', '$game', '".time()."', 0, '$gamehash', 0, '$userid', '".addslashes($username)."', 0, '')");
and then has a bit that says.
PHP Code:
// save the current time and fix username for entry
$currenttime = time();
$username = addslashes($username);
Would it be enough to simply add whatever value 5hours would be, to these two sections of the code or would it be more complex than that?