05-14-03 at 07:29 PM KISS said this in Post #195
... but when I try to steal, it says I'm too young...does anybody know what could be wrong....and here is the error
Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET insurance='mafia',storep=storep-100 WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'insurance' in 'field list'
Part 1: Trying to steal: Like I mentioned earlier, some of the template replies are worded wrong or wrongly linked. Double check the # of post needed AND the amount of cash you have when you try to steal. Both affect your response.
Part 2: SQL Error: Your error says it all. Did you make sure to run the three necessary queries? If you don't have an insurance field, you didn't run the query or you typed it in wrong and ended up with a field named something else. This has nothing to do with the insurance user.
05-15-03 at 06:16 AM Cicada said this in Post #196
i dont quite understand how to install this hack, and from reading aobut all the errors im not sure i want to install it :/
There are all in all only two actual errors. The ADMINID being referred to as DMINID and the queries that have to be changed according to the store version you're using. Other than that it's a great hack.