some bugs I noticed...
in template modifytemplate:
- 2 $customfields are entered. Simply removing the first one will solve double appearance problem when a user modifying profile (which I think is mentioned though I din follow the whole thread)
- instead of $customfields_required, _required is entered in the template. I am not so sure what errors will be generated, but I think it's better to replace it.
Basically the two adjustments fixed the RPG appearing twice problem, as well as a problem where some of the RPG info are shown as "unknown" despite the info are actually configured properly in the admin cp. I am using vb2.3.0 btw.
I hope this helps someone if it hasn't already do so. but if it did, I apologize for not following the thread.
when I do this, it gets rid of all these fields too though:
A few details about yourself
Where you live
Your hobbies, etc
Your job
RPG Name:
but I only want to get rid of RPG name (since it's a duplicate)