Today at 01:58 PM Jagang said this in Post #1622
This did not work and I am still getting the same error. Invalid battle or password It is not populating a password in the database and the PMs send a link to /battlefight.php?action=enterbattle&battlenumber=23 &battlekey=
Public or private battle settings make no difference. I can manually start the battles in the CP by entering a password there or by setting the battle state to 1 and the rest of the battle works fine but without the automation of starting battles the battle system is useless. Any other suggestions?
in battle.php, change all $key to $key1
and in battle_newbattle (or something like it)...change key to key1..
this would fix it.
problem: somehow after the file battle.php include global.php, the key is lost. it will set back to blank.
i installed this hack by copy and paste (no vbhacker) and i have no problem...