At the risk of echoing what others have already said, this is an awesome hack, TWTCommish!
I'm also thoroughly impressly by the level of creativity of my fellow vBulletin hackers on this thread. It seems there are some great ideas out there for "interpreting" this script for various uses.
Like others have stated, I'd be quite interested in:[list=1][*]The ability for user-submitted (yet moderated) entries[*]A "quick search" box.[/list=1]
vB Links Directory (now under
version 3.0 development at this thread may offer a good model for incorporating these features. I'd love to take a try at it, but I'm still within my first six months as a vBer, and don't feel quite ready to forray into scripting my own hacks yet.
So, in the spirit of our hacker's site - is anyone seeing
The Matrix: Reloaded today?