BTW I was rereading the forum rules; some of them conflict but explicitly relating to signatures:
Rule No. 7 - Signature Restrictions
7) All signatures should not exceed the following size limits:
For text signatures: 4 lines normal size, 8 lines small size and up to 90 chars per line. Empty lines are also counted! Font sizes above 2 are not allowed.
For images in signatures: 1 image up to 300 pixels wide, 125 pixels tall and 20k in size
If you do want to have text and an image, you can have a maximum of 2 normal lines (or 4 small lines) and one image (in a new line) up to 300 pixels wide, 75 pixels tall and 20k in size.
[high]You may have a link to your own website, but there must be no promotional language like "Best Hosting" or "Cheapest Styles".[/high] Paypal and affiliate links are NOT permitted.
Don't use [color=yellow] or similar code as it is unreadable on three of our styles.
So technically you are allowed to link to your own site.