i am working on it d00d added a few more features to v1.5 for the moment they are
Admin CP intergration where you will be able to choose how many jokes to display, jokes in one page, if jokes are allowed to be posted, and what user groups can post jokes.
Rate The jokes, built from the threadrate.php file so its professionaly coded, so it checks the ip of the user to the one in the database and if you have already voted it just updates your vote,
Date Joke Was Added,
View Single Joke,
Total Views Of Single Joke,
Shows Avarage Rating Of The Joke, this shows the over all rating,
also i have fixed most of the bugs just finishing off the last few..
but if any coders can help me with 2 things i am stuck on
#1 Page Nav
#2 Hiding of the Rating Drop down box after a user has voted
if any onecan help please let me know