I fiquired out the donate sql error and it works with no DB error :1604
I have a few questions I hope somebody can help with, some or quite well might sound dumb :?
1 - When i'm in my RPG CP I can donate now, but it only brings up amount and anonomous with submit box. Who am I donating to? I can't specify a user. and if I do it directly from the RPGCP the popup box is too small to display correctly
2 - I have Lesanes store hack in but the I was told a bank will not work with Lesanes hack point system. When i try to when I click money inpocket and money in bank I get a screen with my name and the Give points to midnightz
Give points to midnightz - Points to give - pop up?
What bank should I use, or can it work with Lesanes somehow, i'm open for all ideas.
3 - I have been told by numerous people that have popup pm activated, including myself that the pop up PM does not appear, is it best to use a pm bar blinking hack and can the name of delted user that appears in the PM be changed to lets say "battle lord" or something different.
This is the addition hack I will be adding to my board, except for a skin to end all skins (hehe).
I am currently working on a enhanced pet hack for the battle with a friend that will have 50 very extreme and strange pets all with super definition (excited).
But before I jump into that I need some basic info like the questions above.
thanks so much, have a good one,
midnightz & Kitten