Humm, okay.. I have been working on this, and got my loop to work, or so it seems. It returns a error when ran in phpMyAdmin however. Here is the MySQL Query[sql]UPDATE pchm_affiliates SET impressions = IF (id=8, "908",
IF (id=3, "1993", IF (id=4, "927",
IF (id=7, "872", IF (id=5, "1728",
IF (id=10, "873", IF (id=1, "1907",
IF (id=6, "1894", IF (id=2, "1904",
IF (id=9, "871", IF (id=11, "765")))))))))))
WHERE id IN (8,3,4,7,5,10,1,6,2,9,11)[/sql]If anyone can help.. Thanks!