Hi all im working on an article system for artorg and so far its coming along nicely, my problem is how would i get
the mysql to say get all the articles from a certain category
the article category is a sep table as i couldnt hav to auto increments in 1 table
i need it to get all the articles inserted into a cateogry and arrange the then resulting articles by there seperate tables id,
then once the link is clicked it,ll just load the article with that id (this i can do its the part before with th categorys im stuck at)
ive kind a fleshed out 90% of the code i just need some hlp with this..
also if anyone wants to take my code and develop it further/better for me then be my guest
these are the two mysql table im using sorry if there badly done i know f### all about mysql really
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query ("CREATE TABLE articlesystemcat (
catid int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
catname varchar(60) NOT NULL,
$DB_site->query ("CREATE TABLE articlesystem (
artid int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
artname varchar(60) NOT NULL,
artfull varchar(255) NOT NULL,
artdate varchar(60) NOT NULL,
artauth varchar(60) NOT NULL,
artpword varchar(60) NOT NULL,