Ok in my webmail join I have
$templatesused = "neowebmail_join";
if ($submit){
$host = "www.sanguinox.com"; //change to
www.yourdomain.com including
$domain = "sanguinox.com"; //change to yourdomain.com with NO www
$socket = fsockopen($host,2082); //don't touch this setting
$cpaneluser = "realname"; //your cpanel login name goes here
$cpanelpass = "realpassy"; //your cpanel password goes here
$authstr = "$cpaneluser:$cpanelpass"; //don't touch this setting
$pass = base64_encode($authstr); //don't touch this setting
$in = "GET /frontend/cpstartup/mail/doaddpop.html?email=$email&domain=$domain&password =$password"a=$quota HTTP/1.0\r\nAuthorization: Basic $pass \r\n";
fclose( $socket );
header("Location: webmailcreated.php"); /* after sign up this redirects to login page telling them account has been created */
else {
eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("neowebmail_join"). "\");");
Now if i just use html (did as a check) with
PHP Code:
It works... but with your script it does not... Any ideas.? it just keeps kickin me back to the signup.