Today at 02:40 AM Da_GoTTi said this in Post #6
when some1 is a guest, and they goto the setup page, they are logged in as unregistered and it lets them create a email account : unregistered@emailaddy.com
also, it doesnt verify the forum password for the user, so how does it know its a correct password for that account?
There is no way to check a vB password. You just have to hope the user puts the same. Either way, the password they enter there will be there e-mail password as it sends the vb username and what they put as the password there to cPanel to create a mail account.
Log into cPanel and make a account "unregistered" now if a guest clicks on it there is no way to create an account. Using the hidden value for username like I did only allows your forum members to register for e-mail using the name they registered with, so one you have a unregistered account created, no fake accounts can be made.