as far as i know, the version.js script is just this:
var vb_version = 'latest version';
var vb_announcementid = 'latest version thread';
the, to make it display it, they use this code in the ACP:
<script language="Javascript">
if ('<?php echo $templateversion; ?>' < hack_version)
document.write("<div align=\"center\" class=\"tblhead\" style=\"padding:4px\"><b><a href=\""+vb_announcementid+"\"><span class=\"tblhead\"><font size=\"2\">There is a newer version of vBulletin than the version you are running!</font></span></a></b>");
document.write("<br><a href=\"\"><span class=\"tblhead\">Download vBulletin version "+vb_version+" from the Members' Area</span></a>.</div>");
so, for u, it cud be this:
JS script:
var hack_version = 'latest version';
var hack_announcementid = 'latest version thread';
and this to display it:
<script language="javascript">
if ('<?php echo($templateversion); ?>' < vb_version)
document.write("<div align=\"center\"><b><a href=\"FORUM URL/showthread.php?postid="+hack_announcementid+"\"><font size=\"2\">There is a newer version of HACK NAME than the version you are running!</font></a></b></div>");
hope thats what u meant.
don't forget to call it with the script tags first