Yeap in this day an age, multi home is the only way to go.. e-com is at a all time high and some businesses lose thousands of dollars by just 15 minutes of down time. Two things you should check before signing up with your web host.. whom ever it may be. One be assured they have atleast two premium bandwidth providers (uunet, savvis, sprint, att, qwest, internap, cable and wireless) two make sure their main pipe is not Cogent. For those unaware of the hosting business Cogent is about 12 cents per Gb and about as stable and trouble free as that 99 cent six pack of beer that just says "beer" in blue letters. In Jan, Cogent lost their contract with AOL and Earthlink for a peering points and it has been going down since. What this means is if your server is on Cogent and a user comes from say ATT cable.. they peer and connect.. If that user is on Earthlink or AOL... Well now that user has to go across to a network that shares a peering with both Cogent and AOL or Earthlink creating 3 to 7 more hops to your server.
Things sure have changed since I first started hosting sites and my local user group bbs on a performa 520 and a 64k single channel ISDN line... lol WebSTAR 1.2, MacDNS and Eudroa Mail Server