04-22-02 at 06:59 AM 212rikanmofo said this in Post #64
this hack doesnt show up anything for me when i use
$lastsearches=$DB_site->query('SELECT searchid,postids,dateline,querystring FROM search LEFT JOIN user USING (userid) WHERE querystring!="" AND usergroupid NOT IN (5,6,7) ORDER BY searchid desc LIMIT 0,10');
but it shows up when i use:
$lastsearches=$DB_site->query('SELECT searchid,querystring FROM search WHERE querystring!="" ORDER BY searchid desc LIMIT 0,10');
what gives??? and how come it doesnt display the user who ran the search like on here?
I have the same thing here and im on vB 2.3.0. Also on my board it says the date as 12-31-1969 at 07:00 PM
screen shot of my board is in attachment.
@ OmaniMan > can you pm me what you have in your search.php that you added ?
[edit] nvm i got it to work. How? i don't know lol but its working fine. Thanks for the great hack