Hi Tony.. *tips hat*
Yesterday at 08:48 PM Cyclonus888 said this in Post #4
I like it....very cool with some features I didn't know you could do to Vb. Great site
Today at 02:30 PM thuffner said this in Post #6
I like the dark. I think it is relevant to your subject.
My only suggestions:
Center the buttons.
I may have a bias, but I think breaking up the forums looks a lot more professional.
Also, way to keep the queries to a minimum! Nice background too!
The buttons have now been centered and admitedly it's improved the look of the forums.
I'll take a look at breaking up the forums later today, however I've seen it done at other places and didn't like it.
I've tried to keep the queries to a minimum..

I'm looking at trying to lower them further with several optimisations that are available.